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My 2020 Year In Review

By December 31, 2020One Comment
My 2020 Year In Review

Earlier today, I shared my 2020 Year In Review Tool. As I approach the end of the holiday season and the end of the year, I’ve found myself being particularly reflective on the past year. What makes it particularly interesting is the journey of a year that 2020 has been.

 A Change of Plans

At the end of 2019, I had grand plans for this year. I was going to tackle so many professional and personal projects. I was going to continue riding the wave of success that the end of last year had. Now that I find myself at the end of 2020, I’ve done next to none of it—and that’s perfectly ok.

Progress and Accomplishments

The truth is, I’ve been able to accomplish much more than what I originally intended, even if it’s nothing that I had planned at the start of the year. Here’s a rundown of what I was able to accomplish in 2020:

  • I reconnected with Dani and started a relationship that is now over 10 months strong
  • I enjoyed a long weekend away with my love in Baltimore
  • I met Ali and Tyson and added them to my pack
  • I took the time to enjoy simple pleasures like sitting outside during a sunny day or clear night
  • I learned and grew through LinkedIn Learning and listening to various podcasts
  • I made the time to read
  • We spent time with my parents during the quarantine throughout the summer
  • I stood up for what is right and racial inequality in this country
  • I had very difficult conversations with my parents, held them accountable, and have seen them grow and change their perspectives and take action
  • I chose to use my privilege as a white man to speak out about injustice, inequality, and intolerance—regardless of the impact on my professional life
  • I went kayaking for the first two times
  • I learned how to make wood-fired pizza
  • I learned how to make and keep a sourdough starter
  • I learned how to bake bread
  • I survived two reorganizations at work
  • I went from considering a career change and being miserable at work, to rediscovering and enjoying my work again
  • I helped launch several large-scale initiatives at work that got considerable visibility from leadership
  • I’ve thrived in my work following a splitting of my team
  • Dani and I moved in together
  • Ali went from being near death to doing much better and getting back to himself
  • I used my voice and voted Biden & Harris into office—ending the four-year nightmare
  • I finally removed the final few toxic familial relationships from my life
  • We took the pandemic seriously and went without while isolating

2020 Year In Review—A Year of Challenges and Gratitude

That’s a lot accomplished for the year and a lot to be proud of. If nothing else, 2020 is the year that reminded me what truly matters most—not my career or work—taking the time to enjoy the small things, experiences over things, and people over all else.

Here’s hoping that the coming year is better than this one, but hindsight definitely will be 2020 from now on.

Mike Jones

Hi, I'm Mike. I design and develop high-quality learning solutions that focus on outcomes—meeting the needs of the client, their organization, and their learners. As an Instructional Designer and L&D Professional, I have had extensive experience creating eLearning, blended, and traditional Instructor-led Training (ILT) in corporate, medical, and non-profit settings. My passion for lifelong learning and cutting edge technology is only furthered through collaborating with others that are just as passionate about helping people.

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